If you or someone you love is undocumented, facing deportation, or worried about an ICE raid, it’s important to know your rights.
Below are trusted resources to help you understand what to do if ICE approaches you.
Print-at-home Know Your Rights Red Cards
All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The ILRC’s Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.
Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan
Every family should have a Family Preparedness Plan in case of an emergency. It is critical for immigrant families to think ahead and set more concrete plans for immigration emergencies that can arise. For example, this Resource Toolkit goes into detail about different childcare options available in case of an absent parent, where to find trusted immigration services in your community, and how to prepare to assert your constitutional rights in the presence of an immigration officer.
This toolkit is divided into different sections that give guidance on family preparedness planning, regardless of immigration status. It gives additional advice to undocumented and/or mixed status families.
FREE WEBINAR: Your Rights, Your Future: An Overview for Immigrants in California
Foundation for California Community Colleges, California State University, & Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Watch an informative webinar designed to help immigrants, advocates, and allies understand essential rights and protections under U.S. immigration law and the changes to come under the new administration. This session covers:
- Your Rights During Encounters with Immigration Officers
- What to Do in Case of Detention or Deportation
- How to Prepare a Family Safety Plan
- Accessing Legal and Community Support Resources
This webinar provides practical tips to navigate challenging situations and stay informed about your legal options.
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS VIDEOS – What To Do If You Come Into Contact With ICE
Source: We Have Rights Video Campaign - Brooklyn Defender Services, WITNESS, ACLU, Immigrant Defense Project, and more.
An educational empowerment campaign to prepare for and safely defend our rights during encounters with Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE). It includes several useful videos on how to interact with ICE safely (available in 7 languages).